18th July 2018

Elizabeth Casson Memorial Lecture 2018

Dr Nick Pollard became the 46th person to deliver the Elizabeth Casson Memorial lecture at the Royal College of Occupational Therapists conference in Belfast this year. Dr Pollard, senior lecturer in occupational therapy at Sheffield Hallam University, is recognised for his promotion of social inclusion at a local, national and international level and his known for his publication  “Occupational therapy without borders: Learning from the spirit of survivors” (2005).

The topic of the lecture was ‘Occupational stories from a global city’. His presentation can be downloaded here: Session-C-Elizabeth-Casson-Lecture. and an excellent blog be the OTalk team can be found here:

RCOT 2018 Blog 13. The Elizabeth Casson Memorial Lecture: Occupational stories from stories from a global city. Dr Nick Pollard.

Following the lecture, Dr Pollard was presented with a memorial lecture pin by Julia Scott, Chief Executive of RCOT.

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