28th May 2018

WFOT Congress 2018 – what an experience!

Trustee Jill Massey and Chair Professor Annie Turner PhD both recently attended the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa.

The Elizabeth Casson Trust awarded a total of £52,000 to support 29 occupational therapists from 11 countries attend and present at Congress. For many it was their first attendance at Congress, for some it was their first time outside their home country.

A reception was held one evening where grant recipients had the opportunity to meet such notable leaders of our profession as Marilyn Pattison, President of WFOT; Professor Eleiwani Ramugondo, University of Cape Town and keynote speaker; Samantha Shan, Vice President WFOT; Frank Kronenberg, author; Julia Scott, our own RCOT Chief Executive and Dr Patricia McClure, Chair of Council; Jennifer Creek, author; Kit Sinclair, editor of WFOT bulletin and Honorary Fellow of WFOT.

Marilyn spoke to the gathering and, as befitting Congress and our own intentions, focused on the importance of continuing professional development  and lifelong learning for us all, at every stage of our carer. Professor Ramugomdo also added some thoughts, commenting on the wide reach of the Trust across countries and indeed continents. She reminded all of the opportunity Congress offers as a place to exchange and grow ideas and gain support.

Take a look at the media below to see our grant recipients with their work and to hear part of Marilyn’s welcome to the group.

If you’d like to look further, the WFOT website has further summaries of the event and the keynote speeches by Marilyn Pattison and Prof Ramugondo

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