Our Values

As a Trust, our charitable purpose is to support and advance the profession of Occupational Therapy. We do this by commissioning special projects and research, and funding professional development awards for individuals and teams.

Our values form the foundation for all we do and our commitments articulate the actions we take to demonstrate our living by our values. These are as follows:

  1. We are intentionally inclusive. Inclusivity runs through all of our business structure, developmental and funding intentions.
    1. We are intentionally aware of the need for greater diversity and representation across our work.
    2. We value integrity, openness and transparency.
  2. We embody a pioneering spirit. The unique spirit of Elizabeth Casson is visible and relevant in how we work and engage with others.
    1. We are focussed on sharing the spirit of Elizabeth Casson to create greater visibility, be more courageous and take appropriate risks across our relationships.
    2. We value tenacity, courage and innovation.
  3. A fabric of fairness runs through us. We are fair, balanced and considered in all of our interactions with others.
    1. We are open, honest and considered in how we do business.
    2. We value generosity, sharing and meaningful learning.

Read our 2020-2025 strategic intentions and operational framework.


2020 – 2025
Trust strategic intentions

The strategic plans for 2020-2025 are:

Explore and develop relationships and actions required by the Trust and trustees to become an inclusive organisation.

  • Equality and diversity from the board table to funding awards and future focus
  • Partnership working across all organisations where OTs have a presence
  • Partnership working with relevant agencies and organisations that can support the Trust with equality, diversity and inclusion
Define outward facing strategies for engagement of OTs (and associated stakeholders) at all stages of their learning and career journey.

  • Visibility as a necessity
  • Share learning in ways that are accessible to all, across the profession and wider
  • Embrace existing flexibility and motivation to stretch thinking about risk taking and funding allocations
  • Create space for inspiring things to happen
Define in detail our processes and procedures in simple and accessible language that can be widely understood and shared.

  • Keep under review the alignment of the work, to our vision, values and strategic intentions
  • Act on feedback and make tough decisions about what the ‘fabric of fairness’ looks and feels like to others
  • Ensure that we are generous across the board in how we share and grow learning through the creation of learning networks

2020 – 2025
Trust operational framework

The following operational framework emerges from our strategic intentions:

Contribute to the development of occupational therapists, helping to build their confidence, capability and wider inclusion to take the profession forward in all settings, including within the Trust.

  • Explore other configurations for the Board of Trustees to ensure inclusion of under-represented groups
  • Explore, develop and implement opportunities with occupational therapists from all areas and relevant organisations that will facilitate confidence building, capability and inclusion
  • Investigate and commission a range of learning and development opportunities to enhance and support professional confidence, growth and the inclusion of OTs from under-represented groups
Further development of the evidence base of occupational therapy in order to strengthen the understanding of the efficacy, utility and unique contribution of occupational therapy.

  • Facilitate the production of evidence about the value of occupation and participation including impact and potential economic value
  • Facilitate the implementation and adoption of evidence in practice
Commit to robust governance to ensure legal compliance by the organisation and nurture development of the profession and our services

  • Maintain strong and transparent governance procedures to ensure the sustainability, relevance and alignment of the work of the Trust with our Articles, our strategic intentions and the needs of the profession and its place in society
  • Develop the practice of occupational therapy by supporting requests for projects, research and learning activities that develop the quality and equality of occupational therapy practice within all settings and to reach diverse communities in both the UK and internationally

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