Newly qualified OT guides

Transitioning from being a student to a qualified occupational therapist is a demanding time at the start of your professional career and can sometimes be quite challenging: received knowledge crashes headlong into a barrage of real-world exceptions. The identity and lifestyle of a student ceases as the world of work replaces it.

Sound familiar to you now or perhaps it rekindles past memories?

Supporting newly qualified occupational therapists (NQOT)

In March 2020 The Elizabeth Casson Trust commissioned an exciting project with Dr Lynne Goodacre, an occupational therapist, researcher and personal coach and Rob Young, an artist and writer who helps NHS Leaders to communicate. The purpose of the project, called Year 1: Thriving not Surviving, was to create resources to support the wellbeing of newly qualified occupational therapists in their first year of practice.

Ten occupational therapists in their first year of practice answered a call to work with Lynne and Rob. Over the course of six months they engaged with the wider occupational therapy community to co-produce a series of freely available self-coaching resources. Their commitment, energy and time has ensured that the resources are embedded in the real-life experiences of this community.

If you are in your first year of practice, download and take a look at the guides. They are not meant to be worked through in one go but are designed to help you pause, reflect and work on aspects of your life which may be challenging. Dip into whichever best meets your needs and, as the group themselves said, ‘remember to OT myself’.

The Trust offers our sincerest thanks to this group for being so open and willing to share their experiences and feelings through this first year of professional life: Andrew Bates, Stephanie Exley, Joanna Hunt, Bethany Morgan-Davis, Deborah May, Ryan McClure, Rebecca Power, Siobhan Scanlon, Paul Wilkinson, Katy Williams. 

A short note

These booklets were produced by the 10 participants of the Year 1 – Thriving not Surviving project led by Dr Lynne Goodacre and Rob Young, and funded by the Elizabeth Casson Trust. The NQOTs developed the booklets as part of their learning and reflection on their first year as a qualified OT in practice.

We are delighted that the booklets are proving to be an invaluable resource that have been accessed by many OTs in the U.K. and internationally. We are also aware that the booklets have value for other professions, and are pleased that they are being widely shared. Please continue to make your colleagues and others aware of the guides so many more can continue to benefit from them.

Dee Christie, Chair Elizabeth Casson Trust


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Case Studies

Without funding from The Elizabeth Casson Trust it would not have been possible to attend the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) training course. This course has enabled us to become competent in the use of a client-centred, Occupational Therapy specific, assessment tool. The training has also enhanced our overall assessment and observation skills. As two Occupational Therapists working within both adult community rehabilitation and supported discharge teams we are very grateful for this substantial funding. We can see that the use of the AMPS tool will contribute to improvements in meaningful patient assessment and increased patient engagement. It will also contribute to service development as a reliable outcome measure.

Karrie Williams u0026 Sophie Dawson
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