By using the Casson funding, Queen Margaret University Funding and self-funding I was able to attend the COTEC/ENOTHE Conference in Galway, Ireland from the 15-19th June 2016. I presented an academic poster on “Writing for publication; reconceptualising disengagement” and a 20 minute presentation on “Transformational Leadership: idealistic or realistic? “
Amount: £1058.00Teepa Snow Coaching Certificate
I feel much more confident in my understanding and ability to educate those I work with about the...
Amount: £945.00Systematic Review & Meta-analysis course
This course was an introduction to methods to allow health professionals to conduct their own...
Amount: £390.00Rainbow Yoga Teacher Course
Through attending the training it has given an abundance of ideas for my therapy interventions but..
Amount: £2485.00MSc Advanced Occupational Therapy
Undertaking the research methods module has given me a firm grounding in research techniques and...
Amount: £7400.00MSc Educational Neuroscience
To return to the academic world of university and complete a MSc was in its self an enlightening...
Amount: £580.00MSc Advanced Practice modules
As a Specialist OT working within a niche area of practice- Perinatal Mental Health...
Amount: £1290.00UK Functional Capacity Evaluation, Job Demands Analysis
The UKFCE was a 3.5 day course which taught how to undertake a functional capacity evaluation, in...
Amount: £632.00Assisting Hand Assessment Course
First, let me say thank you for funding the course, in which I learned to use AHA (Assisting Hand...
Amount: £659.00International Spinal Cord Society Scientific Meeting
Attending this conference allowed me to meet with practitioners and researchers from all over the...
Amount: £841.00Critical Care Rehabilitation Conference
I used the award from the Trust to attend the 8th Annual Critical Care Rehabilitation Conference...
Amount: £795.00Ukraine First OT Conference
Last year was an amazing year for me and I guess it is the same for the rest of the people of...
Amount: £5625.00Research Module of MBA
I completed a dissertation entitled the knowledge brokering challenges that the OT faces when...