15th July 2024

Welcome our new Executive Officer….

The Trust is very pleased to announce that Dr Kate Turner will be joining as our new Executive Officer in October as Pam Anderson steps aside.

Kate came into the field of Occupational Therapy as a mature student, having spent a number of years working in the voluntary and community sector and within local government. She qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2015, having completed a pre-registration MSc qualification with the University of Cumbria.

Kate’s area of clinical practice centres around supporting people living with dementia so that they can continue to engage in occupations that they want, need and have the right to do, for as long as possible post diagnosis/symptom onset. She was awarded her PhD in Applied Health Research in 2022 by the University of Plymouth. The topic of the PhD was exploring the accessibility of air travel for people living with dementia and those who travel with them.

Since November 2020, Kate has been employed as a Lecturer in Occupational Therapy by the University of Plymouth. She has taught on a range of programmes and modules, but particularly enjoyed teaching students about research methods and the concept of occupational justice and rights-based practice.

Kate tells us she is thrilled to be joining The Elizabeth Casson Trust as the new Executive Officer (EO) as it will allow her to make full use of her diverse skill set and to work with an amazing group of Trustees who are all fully committed to the futherance of the profession.

She notes, “Coming into post after Pam, who has been in the EO role for over eight years, means that I have some very big shoes to fill, but I am looking forward to the challenge! I also look forward to meeting current and future beneficiaries and partners of the Trust in the weeks and months ahead.”

We look forward to Kate taking us onwards and upwards and invite you to come meet her at our OT Show stand in November!

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