The Elizabeth Casson Trust provided funding that enabled me to attend the COTEC-ENOTHE 2016 conference in Galway, Ireland, to present a poster presentation and a workshop, each evolving from my PhD study. Presenting at this conference provided the opportunity to disseminate elements of my research work to a European network of occupational therapy colleagues, thus extending the reach of key findings to a wider audience. In addition, discussion emerging from the presentations, most especially through the workshop with interested colleagues, has influenced and will further enhance the future direction of my research endeavour. More generally, the opportunity to explore and experience a diversity of perspectives related to the centrality and importance of occupation to our daily lives has refreshed and renewed my thinking connected to learning and teaching as part of the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula at Queen Margaret University. These fresh perspectives will be infused throughout the design of learning and teaching opportunities for the coming academic year.
Amount: £1058.00Teepa Snow Coaching Certificate
I feel much more confident in my understanding and ability to educate those I work with about the...
Amount: £945.00Systematic Review & Meta-analysis course
This course was an introduction to methods to allow health professionals to conduct their own...
Amount: £390.00Rainbow Yoga Teacher Course
Through attending the training it has given an abundance of ideas for my therapy interventions but..
Amount: £2485.00MSc Advanced Occupational Therapy
Undertaking the research methods module has given me a firm grounding in research techniques and...
Amount: £7400.00MSc Educational Neuroscience
To return to the academic world of university and complete a MSc was in its self an enlightening...
Amount: £580.00MSc Advanced Practice modules
As a Specialist OT working within a niche area of practice- Perinatal Mental Health...
Amount: £1290.00UK Functional Capacity Evaluation, Job Demands Analysis
The UKFCE was a 3.5 day course which taught how to undertake a functional capacity evaluation, in...
Amount: £632.00Assisting Hand Assessment Course
First, let me say thank you for funding the course, in which I learned to use AHA (Assisting Hand...
Amount: £659.00International Spinal Cord Society Scientific Meeting
Attending this conference allowed me to meet with practitioners and researchers from all over the...
Amount: £841.00Critical Care Rehabilitation Conference
I used the award from the Trust to attend the 8th Annual Critical Care Rehabilitation Conference...
Amount: £795.00Ukraine First OT Conference
Last year was an amazing year for me and I guess it is the same for the rest of the people of...
Amount: £5625.00Research Module of MBA
I completed a dissertation entitled the knowledge brokering challenges that the OT faces when...