
Open to U.K. applicants.

We accept applications year round.

Please note, we do not accept retrospective requests (see FAQs)

If you are studying a single post-registration academic module as part of a personal development plan, apply through this route. If you are studying a single post-registration academic module and will use the CATS towards an award, you should apply through the post-resgistation masters route.

Apply for funding

Develop the practice of occupational therapy

The first aim in our operational framework is to develop the practice of occupational therapy, this can be achieved through the development of occupational therapists.

Sometimes a knowledge or skills gap is quite defined and can be met be attending a course. The Elizabeth Casson Trust has funding available to help you participate in courses.

Design Your Own Learning

Open to U.K. applicants only.

We accept applications year round.

Apply for funding

Develop the practice of occupational therapy

The first aim in our operational framework is to develop the practice of occupational therapy, this can be achieved through the development of occupational therapists  and occupational therapy teams. Indeed, there are times when developing your own ideas for a CPD event may be more helpful as the learning can be tailored to your needs or the needs of your team or service.

Funds can be requested to ‘buy in’ a presenter, trainer or coach as we recognise that group learning can often be more cost-effective, time-efficient and context-focussed if it takes place at your site. Alternatively, you may want to visit other leading services in the UK to learn from them. To learn from international centres of excellence, consider our International Scholarship award.

Arguably, the ‘design your own learning’ is our most exciting funding opportunity as you can make it just what you need!

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